On Death and Dying
A Critique of the movie, “After Death,” and the Current Status of Research on Deathbed and Near-Death Experiences

An Areopagus Forum with
Michael Sabom, M.D.
Steve Miller, Ph.D.
Thursday, Nov. 16th
Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
The Landing (Room 272-75)
7:00 – 8:30 PM
     The recent release of the movie, After Death, has sparked renewed interest in the realities of what awaits us after death and the phenomenon of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
     Given the prospects that every one of us will face death at some time in the future (unless preempted by the Second Coming of Christ!), this is the most serious challenge anyone will ever face and a sobering reality that everyone should take with utmost seriousness.
Our Areopagus Forum features two acknowledged experts in the field of Near-Death Experiences.
     Michael Sabom, M.D. had a distinguished career in cardiology and is the author of the acclaimed book, Light & Death (1998). Dr. Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life, has written that Dr.
Sabom’s research “has become a benchmark in the field of near-death research.”
     Philosopher  Steve Miller, Ph.D., teaches courses on Death & Dying and Religious Studies at Kennesaw State University and is the author of the new book, Is Christianity Compatible with Deathbed and Near-Death Experiences? (2023).
The focus of the Forum:
  • What are the latest findings and conclusions in the field of NDE research?
  • Is there evidence that NDEs are real rather than hallucinatory, and can they be explained naturalistically?
  • Do NDEs provide evidence for a soul and an afterlife?
  • What are the greatest misconceptions when it comes to the general understanding of death and dying?
  • Are common New Age themes such as reincarnation and universalism supported by NDE research?  Can studying NDEs lead us into occult practices such as astral projection, out-of-body experiences, interaction with spirit mediums and the deceased, involvement in hallucinogenic drugs, etc.?
  • How credible are many of the popular books and films on death and dying — including the “heaven tourism” genre of books and films?
  • Why do some prominent Christians argue that NDEs are either fabricated, hallucinations, or of the devil? What Scriptural teachings help us to evaluate such reports and claims?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the new movie, After Death?
  • What should we think about graphic and surrealistic deathbed or near-death experiences?
  • What is the most important “take-away” that Christians (and others) should understand regarding deathbed experiences, NDE research, and the realities of life after death?
“Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me will live, even though they die.'”
— John 11:25